Welcome to the GoodKarmaECS estimator tool
"How much is this all going to cost?"
"I just want a quote"
We understand that quite often, people want to know a rough idea of how much somethings going to be, a ROM (rough order of magnitude) before reaching out to a company.
Although there are many variables we take into consideration when conducting a site survey, the pricing principles are pretty flat to make things simple and fair.
- All estimates are based on metres (for gutters) or metre squared (for area based cleaning services). Measure the length and width of the area you want cleaned and multiply them together to get the metre squared figure.
- Make a fair observation on the cleaning level required. Light, medium, or heavy.
- Make a fair observation on the complexity. is it a simple job, a medium complexity job or a highly complex job. (uneven ground, poor drainage, heavy traffic, parking issues or access problems can all impact the complexity of a job.
- If you're not sure what to pick, either choose the worst case (Heavy cleaning complex job) or go for medium, medium / medium.
This should give an approximation of what you may expect the estimate to look like.